Coffee with Joffy

Why you should be lifting weights with Kori Lindsay

Joff Bunt Season 1 Episode 52

In this episode;
- Why lifting weights will not make you 'bulky'.
- The importance of a well-rounded strength program for getting better at life.
- Why lifting weights will technically mean you can eat more.

If you are a regular listener then you will already know how much of an advocate I am for lifting weights and strength training for almost any goal. When we talk about exercise classes, the majority of people will lean towards high intensity, bodyweight or circuit classes in order to reach their health and fitness goal. On the outside getting out of breath, sweaty and feeling exhausted and the end of training session makes sense to how it might help you reach a goal but are we missing the bigger picture.

I invited Kori back on the show for his hat-trick appearance to talk about this in more detail and continue the pursuit of encouraging more people to take up strength training for general health and fitness. 

Don't get me wrong there is definitely a time and place for more cardio and high intensity based training however I feel like the convenience and lack of education is sometimes the determining factor which is why your progress might be halted or plateaus.

You can find Kori @perfiit_training

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